Drip Drop

I sit on my bed reading a nice book (well, in reality I’m doing a summer reading project).  A dull noise gently begins outside my window.  Could it be? Is that what I think it is?  I run to my window and look outside.  Yessssssss! It’s raining!

Now some of you may be confused.  Why would I be so happy about rain?  Well, the answer is simple: I love the rain!  I’m not quite sure why but I always have.  Here, I’ll put it in a new perspective if you are still confused.

Imagine laying down in a soft bed with a gentle drip drop from the outside rain that soothes you to sleep.  Or being wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading a good book.  Orrrrr if you are really bored and don’t mind getting wet, playing in rain is always the way to go (unless it’s like a cyclone or something).

I encourage you: think of different ways and add to my list of things to do when it’s raining!  Even if you don’t like the rain now, just sitting and listening to the rain can be very therapeutic to some people (including me!).   I would like to end this post with a quote I love by Shakespeare…

“The earth has music for those who listen.”


One thought on “Drip Drop

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  1. I feel the same way! I especially love it at night, and open the window some so I can hear it better as I fall asleep.


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